Felixstowe's Citizen Science Group
Citizen Science Forum
A warm welcome!

The aim of this forum is to share the collaborative mapping and data analysis which has been produced by the Citizen Science Group of Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve.
If you are new to the work of Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve, here is a useful introduction
To see the latest news from Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve, please click here
Our Citizen Science Group was founded in April 2018. The design and planning of our work is focused on the Ten Principles for Best Practice in Citizen Science as defined by the European Citizen Science Association.
In our local area of the UK, we share our work through the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service. Across the UK, we share with the National Biodiversity Network. Across Europe, we recently became a Network Supporter of the European Citizen Science Association. (We love to share!)
The focus of our work
Ecological Network Analysis
Although we are always happy to accommodate research requests from our members, we also want to have a focus for our work. We have therefore chosen to concentrate on Ecological Network Analysis and Management which is relevant to wildlife in the Felixstowe area. In other words, we want to try and understand how our members actively interact with local wildlife in their gardens, allotments and window boxes. We also want to try and understand how our members interact with their family, neighbours and social media concerning our Community Nature Reserve. We have more to say about this in our Data Analysis section.

Citizen Science matters!
Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve