We love to share!
We love to share the results of our work. Here is a list of our publications so far:
(2019) Our work was featured in the October 2019 news letter published by the European Citizen Science Association:
(2019) Mapping bird visits in Felixstowe gardens, published in the Spring 2019 News Letter of the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, page 10 - 11
(2019) Collaborative Mapping in Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve, in Communities, Spring edition, pages 54 - 56
(2018) Pond Skater Survey in Felixstowe, published in the Autumn 2018 News Letter of the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, page 5
(2018) Web-Based GIS in Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve
(2018) Citizen Science Project - Hedgehogs, published in the Summer 2018 News Letter of the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, page 6